
  • By Admin
  • February 1, 2023

How To Test Your Business Idea With Under $50

One of the biggest and most costly mistakes new entrepreneurs make is spending effort and money on business administration instead of getting their ideas validated. Here are 3 tools you can use to validate your business idea for less than…

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  • By Admin
  • January 1, 2023

50X ROI In 1 Year With An Integrated Data Dashboard

This is a true story that happened during the mini-crisis that affected global trade and logistics companies about 7 years ago. Of course, there are a few more elements than a simple dashboard delivering millions in profit, but it's a…

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  • By Admin
  • November 1, 2022

3 Useful Expense Management Tips To Survive In A Recession

Ever since the news stopped reporting daily COVID updates, the talk of the world has shifted to a global recession. Inflation data in Canada, United States and United Kingdom all crossed 8% at some point in 2022 and the same…

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  • By Admin
  • February 1, 2022

Why Power BI is the Best Tool for Business Data

What’s Power BI? Power BI is the market-leading Business Intelligence (BI) solution that is widely used in all industries across the world. Power BI lets you to: connect your data sources to a scalable platform, aggregate information from various independent…

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A Simple Approach to Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

The Concepts Data is everywhere. It comes from what you do as a business, how you do it, and through other various streams. It tells you stories on time, cost, revenue, operational excellence and more. Data is important. It lets…

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