Data is everywhere. It comes from what you do as a business, how you do it, and through other various streams. It tells you stories on time, cost, revenue, operational excellence and more.
Data is important. It lets you do your business better. More efficiently. More frugally. It opens up new revenue streams and improves the existing ones. However, it is not the data itself doing all those by lying down on cells of a spreadsheet. It is the product of it, which brings up the concept of data analytics.
Being able to truly apply data analytics on the matter lets us understand the issue better, explain the problem statement to others, comment on the question, speculate on possible answers and, finally, find a viable solution via insight generation on the available data. This is not bound to a business and it applies to almost any issues that we are facing and aiming to solve in life.
If you did a Google search now, the first result that pops up on your screen would tell you that Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process of analyzing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions. The definition is pretty standard that you could find on the Web; though I would like to draw your attention to the parts that I underlined: Technology driven data analytics that is restricted to the business domain with the purpose of creating actionable items to the owners of the business brings us to what we specialized on – business intelligence.
Let’s assume we have collected all the relevant data in the world that is somehow connected to our business. We accessed the right equipment, analyzed what we have using the finest technological tools and generated insights that could be very helpful to drive our business towards the right direction. How do we pass our findings to the people who are responsible from applying those decisions?
It’s the reporting process. Regardless of the frequency, type or level of it, a healthy reporting pipeline is crucial to the data driven management of any business.
We discussed what data analytics is, how the business intelligence emerges and why reporting is extremely significant for any business operating in today’s market conditions where every competitor is heavily involved in the usage of technology regardless of the industry. It is quite easy to argue that those concepts must be embraced in any organization and must exist in some form. Yet, the impact of the quality of those solutions is yet to be discussed further.
In the journey of utilizing data and technology wisely in order to gain the upper hand in your business domain, the following concepts should be considered carefully:
Let’s dive into the topic utilizing all these dimensions by referring to different levels of analytical maturity in each. Your people and business processes will be a product of those above in the multi-dimensional space of technology-backed development. We will discuss four levels consisting of different states in our dimensions.
We aim to take businesses from wherever they are in their journey of becoming the future’s data-driven companies and enable them to reach their full capacity. We take each client individually, seriously and passionately.
Ultimately, we help our partners collect all useful historical input in terms of what we call it data. We help our partners analyze this data in present time, so we can enable them to make predictions of their future. Want to be a part of the time machine? Contact us.